DrupalCamp Colorado 2024


Whether you’re looking to network, learn, or apply your knowledge, we’ve got you covered! Join us for free on Thursday and Friday for a full day of sessions and community.

Getting To Tivoli

This year's camp will be hosted in person at the Tivoli Student Union on the Auraria campus, in downtown Denver, Colorado.

There are multiple choices for parking around the Auraria campus. View this parking guide for more details.

Getting Around Tivoli

Find us in the Baerresen Ballroom (Tivoli 320), located on the third floor of the Tivoli Student Union.

Lynn Winter

Thursday Keynote: Lynn Winter

Lynn is a freelance Digital Strategist who focuses on information architecture, user experience, and content strategy. She collaborates with both small and big agencies and organizations, focusing much of her work in the non-profit, education, and government sectors. In addition, she has over 20 years of project management experience, which allows her to bring a client-focused approach to her process. She has been working with Drupal (and other platforms) since 2008.

Matthew Saunders

Friday Keynote: Matthew Saunders

Matthew's foray into the Web began in 1995 with Le Groupe de la Place Royale, an Ottawa-based dance company pushing artistic boundaries. This sparked a lifelong passion for cutting-edge technologies. He honed his organizational skills with a Non-Profit administration certification from the University of Ottawa, followed by an MFA in Technology and Organizational Management at Virginia Tech.

His extensive experience managing web application projects fueled his transition to the Drupal community in 2007. He's a master of various project management methodologies, a sought-after speaker at Drupal events (including a keynote at Drupalcamp Austin), and a key contributor to Drupalcon Denver's organizing committee. Since its humble beginnings with just 14 attendees, Matthew has been instrumental in planning and running Drupalcamp Colorado.

Beyond technology, Matthew champions neurodiversity awareness, both as a speaker and advocate. Currently, he leverages his analytical expertise as a Business Analyst at Pfizer.


Thursday, July 25th

9:00am - 10:00am: Baerresen Ballroom – Camp check-in / Networking breakfast

10:00am - 10:25am: Baerresen Ballroom – Opening session

10:25am - 11:30am: Baerresen Ballroom – Keynote: Lynn Winter

11:30am - 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm - 1:45pm:

  • Room A – Learn how to DANSE - Deborah Fuzetto
    In this enlightening session, we'll navigate through the intricacies of DANSE architecture, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of its inner workings. From exploring the fundamental features of the DANSE module to uncovering the capabilities of supporting modules, we'll equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to leverage this innovative framework effectively.
  • Room B – Drupal Contribution Sprint - Clayton Dewey
    Whether you're a website editor, project manager, developer, designer or something else, we'll have a contribution sprint well prepared and organized for us to improve Drupal.
  • Room C – Sponsor gathering and contributions

1:45pm - 2:00pm: Break

2:00pm - 2:45pm:

  • Room A – Meet the DCO Board of Directors
  • Room B – From Managed Hosting to Cloud Freedom: Three Ways to Migrate your Sites to AWS or Digital Ocean - Salim Lakhani
    Ever thought about migrating your site to another hosting provider? or hosting it yourself? it's not that difficult... if you know how. Come learn how.
  • Room C – Sponsor gathering and contributions

2:45pm - 3:00pm: Break

3:00pm - 3:45pm:

  • Room A – Build a Better Document Library in Drupal: Revisions, Dynamic Paths, and Unbroken Links - Caleb Thorne
    Revolutionize your document management in Drupal with our new methodology, ensuring consistent public URLs while maintain revision history. Learn how to configure Drupal's private filesystem and media entities for better document handling and dynamic path management.
  • Room B – Secrecy is better than privacy! Protected content with OpenPGPjs and Drupal - Rodrigo Panchiniak Fernandes
    Beyond privacy. Learn how to make end-to-end asymmetrical encryption with Drupal and OpenPGPjs
  • Room C – Sponsor gathering and contributions

3:45pm - 4:15pm: Break and Coffee Exchange

  • Room A – Coffee Exchange
  • Room B – Networking
  • Room C – Meet your sponsors
  • Explore the Tivoli Center

4:15pm - 5:00pm:

  • Room A – First Time Contributor Workshop - Gregg Marshall
    Did you know that Drupal (the software) is built by people just like you and me? If you haven't contributed yet (or need a refresher), this is your opportunity to learn how to contribute, through code, documentation, project managing, marketing and more!. Those who are new to the process and tools of contributing to Drupal, you are invited to attend this “First-Time Contributor Workshops”. Get up to speed with community tools: Drupal.org, issue queues, communication channels, and using cloud development tool options"
  • Room B – Ensuring Compliance and Best Practices Across Multiple Drupal Sites - Mohammed Razem
    Learn how to establish and enforce governance policies across multiple Drupal sites using a centralized platform, ensuring consistency, security, and optimal performance. This session covers key strategies and tools for effective multi-site management.
  • Room C – Sponsor gathering and contributions

Friday, July 26th

9:00am - 10:00am: Baerresen Ballroom – Camp check-in; Networking breakfast

10:00am - 10:25am: Baerresen Ballroom – Opening session

10:25am - 11:30am: Baerresen Ballroom – Keynote: Matthew Saunders

11:30am - 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm - 1:45pm:

  • Room A – Improving the Drupal login experience - Greg Knaddison
    Authentication and session management are an important part of the user experience and maintaining security of a site. What options exist to improve this process? Come along on this review of common modules and configurations to consider.
  • Room B – Let's make kicking off digital projects less scary - Christine Coughlan
    Kicking off a digital project is critical to the success of the project, but it can also be a daunting task (or series of tasks). Join us for this interactive session where we'll discuss the must haves and areas where we can be a bit more lax.
  • Room C – Sponsor gathering and contributions

1:45pm - 2:00pm: Break

2:00pm - 2:45pm:

  • Room A – Github Actions in a Drupal Ecosystem - Joel Steidl
    This session will explore how to use GitHub Actions to streamline your workflow. We'll cover automating deployments, setting up scheduled tasks for routine activities, and enabling non-technical users to execute traditionally command-line operations through manual triggers.
  • Room B – StarShot - Salim Lakhani
  • Room C – Sponsor gathering and contributions

2:45pm - 3:00pm: Break

3:00pm - 3:45pm:

  • Room A – RFPs are Tough! They don’t have to be with Ultimate Guide - Cassey Bowden
    Writing effective RFPs for web design, development, and support can be overwhelming. This session equips professionals with the tools and knowledge to streamline the process, featuring key considerations for selecting top partners, a step-by-step guide to crafting effective RFPs, and real-life examples of best practices and common pitfalls. Plus, grab our comprehensive Government RFP Template and Scoring Matrix!
  • Room B – Open sharing, coordinated by Christine Coughlan and Joel Steidl
    Come share about your experiences using Drupal and this year's Camp. Where have you struggled? What do you love about Drupal? What did you learn over the last two days? All topics are welcome!"
  • Room C – Sponsor gathering and contributions

3:45pm - 4:15pm: Baerresen Ballroom – Closing session

4:00pm - 6:00pm: Aten Sponsored After Party – Number Thirty Eight


Do you love Drupal, open-source contributions, and networking? Come and join, and help out plan and run DrupalCamp Colorado. We'll provide everything that you will need, and direction on volunteering opportunities.

Code of Conduct

DrupalCamp Colorado is dedicated to a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free event experience for everyone.

Report Unacceptable Behavior

We're all in this together. If you or someone you know feels threatened or violated as a result of intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct, please let us know.